“How does an ant reduce, reuse and recycle?”
West Newton Elementary
3rd grade classes
September 2014
Program Summary
For one week straight, Monday to Friday, two
3rd grade classes began their school days with
theater activities. Arts for Learning’s Theater &
the Environment residency was implemented
over 5 days with 45 minutes per session/class
aimed at teaching students about the concepts
of reduce, reuse and recycle through fairy tales.
About the School Partner
West Newton Elementary puts creativity at the
core of their identity. They adopted the Artful
Learning model by Leonard Berstein, a school
improvement model that stimulates and deepens
academic learning through the Arts, in strategic
alignment with providing challenging opportunities
for students to develop 21st Century learning skills.
This and the collegial demeanor and creativity of
our school contacts, make for a great partnership
and enriching experience for the students. To learn
more about the school, visit their website here.
The Classes
To extend their learning, the two 3rd grade classes
also hosted Melanie Baugh, an expert in
vermicomposting, prior to the start of the
residency. Melanie’s visit started the conversation
about recycling and composting. They explored
food waste and where it comes from. By the end
of workshop the students had an understanding of
how they can make their food waste into something
useful and left with an individual worm bin
(complete with a pet worm!).
Community Connection
State Representative Justin Moed joined Arts for
Learning at West Newton to view the students'
adaptation of the story. Moed was excited to see
the students learning of composting, reusable
bottles, and urban farming. For the full press release, click here.
Guiding Questions
These questions were formulated by the teaching artist to guide the lessons of the residency. They are to provoke ideas and thinking about Environmental Science through theater.
About the art form:
What do you know about theater?
What do you know about the "The Ant and The Grasshopper" story?
About the environment:
4. What do you know about reducing, reusing, and recycling?
The Creative & Learning Process
Days 1 & 2:
Students learned about the elements of theater as an art form and basic acting skills. They learned about the actor’s instruments: body/voice/mind and played theater games. They explored the fairy tale used in the
residency and had their first “read through" and rehearsal.
Days 3 & 4:
More fun ensues as the students begin bringing the script to life. Students explored using props and costumes to enhance their story. The most important work was when they created solutions to the environmental issues in the story. They defined their staging choices, memorized their lines, and rehearsed.
Day 5:
They executed their final presentation and received feedback from the audience (a group of their peers).
What We Learned
Student Learning: The residency enhanced this class’ preexistent understanding of theater and recycling. As shown in their responses below, they have a good base knowledge about theater, enhanced by the residency as they experienced improvisation, movement pantomime, tableaux, and eventually a short play presentation.
What do you know about theater?
PRE: Students' answers on their first day of the residency
Funny voices & things
Painting set
Movie theaters
Watch acts
POST: Their answers on the 5th day, the last day of the residency
Telling stories
Funny voices
Voices, bodies, brains (used by actors)
Hold scripts out
Be brave and confident
"actor neutral"
Stand tall
Don't be afraid of the audience
2. What do you know about "The Ant and the Grasshopper" story?
One hops, one crawls
Get food
Have faces and a lot of legs
Don't make fun of others
Take care of yourself and the earth
To reduce, reuse, recycle
Share food
Don't litter
Prepare for what's coming ahead
Treat people as you want to be treated
3. What do you know about reducing, reusing, and recycling?
Re-use trash - don't throw away
Paper and plastic
Reusable water bottles
Don't waste paper and trees
Litter = pollution
Use water bottles to make gardens
Re-use water bottles
Bananas can be used for compost
Closing Thought
“What is the role of the classroom teacher in extending the brainstorming opportunities to allow students to go deeper in their exploration of solutions to a need or problem?”