ArtForce: Visual Arts
Summer Apprenticeship
Ivy Tech Community College
June 12 - June 30, 2017

“There was magic in what they created, they took it on with such care and reverence.” ~Stephanie Robertson on participants and their creation of Exodus community project
Program Summary
ArtForce: Visual Arts 2017 provided thirteen high school students from the Indianapolis area with the opportunity to explore and learn within the visual arts. Over the three week time period, the apprentices were exposed to various forms of media such as painting, fabric art, and illustration. The students also participated in different workshops that not only strengthened their artistic ability, but also developed their writing skills. Any work that was created during the program would contribute to their final portfolio and culminating art exhibition.
ArtForce: Visual Arts participants were able to share their knowledge and new skills during the program as well. By learning how to create an art lesson plan, the participants were able to instruct younger students on a topic of their choice. The students were given the opportunity to not only teach once to the younger students, but twice. After receiving feedback from teaching the first time, the participants were able to go back and improve their lesson plan to better deliver their teaching.
“During ArtForce I discovered that I should exercise my talent more and try new things” ~Art Force Participant
On the final day of the program, the participants were able to show off their artwork in a culminating art exhibit at Ivy Tech. Since the exhibit was open to the public, the participants not only received support from their families, but also the Arts for Learning staff, Ivy Tech faculty, and the Art Force performing arts students. The art created and showcased by the students sparked admiration, curiosity, and thought throughout the duration of the exhibit.
Upon completion of the Visual Arts program, the participants accumulated new pieces of artwork to add to their portfolios, improved their skills, learned how to create and effectively implement a lesson plan, and received an experience that aided in enhancing both their knowledge and their passion for the arts.

Our Partnerships
The three week program was made possible by the partnership between Ivy Tech Community College and the Arts for Learning. Through their partnership, both college and organization, made it possible for the participants to receive a unique opportunity at not only growing within their passion, but also applying it in a college setting. The chance to work in a college setting will hopefully improve the transition from high school to college in the future.
Additionally, ArtForce partnered with the AYS summer camp from school #84 to give the participants to explore the education side of the arts. Through the partnership, the ArtForce participants developed and taught their lesson plans to the younger AYS students. This interaction and the openness of the ArtForce participants aided in providing confidence to the younger students, and perhaps the idea of choosing to begin taking interest in the arts.

The Creative & Learning Process
For each week of the Visual Arts program there was a significant theme. Week 1 for the program focused on creation. The students created new art pieces to include in their portfolio, and also through workshops and demonstrations from guest speakers, the students developed new art techniques and skills. As the participants entered week 2, they were educated on topics such as an introduction to teaching, lesson planning, classroom management, social activism, and poetry. When week 3 came, the participants were able to implement what they had learned about teaching with the younger AYS students. When working and educating the AYS students, the participants were able to receive feedback to improve their lesson plans and teaching skills for their second round of teaching. Throughout the duration of the program, the participants discussed about social issues that would contribute to both their personal art for their exhibit and their community art project.
The Creative Team
Two major contributors to the success of ArtForce: Visual Arts would be Jingo de la Rosa and Stephanie Robertson. Through their tag-team approach Jingo and Stephanie are able to both engage and motivate the students to explore within their passion. Teaching artists and instructors De la Rosa and Robertson brought together different teaching artists to provide workshops, lectures and hands-on experiences for the participants. De la Rosa instructed students in art techniques such as illustration, self portraiture, and more. The duo was able to bring together not just themselves, but also artists such as Jason Roth (Design Tech), Kate Oberriech (Visual Artist), and Kristine Slentz (Poetry) and more. The students were also able to teach alongside their college mentors, Mary Young and Zoe Heard.
“My vision is growth. I would love for this program to grow in quality; quantity is perfect. We are able to dig deep and establish a good relationship with the students” ~Jingo de la Rosa on ArtForce Program

ArtForce: Visual Arts 2017 was able to provide its participants with a sense of confidence in their artwork and their knowledge of the fine arts. Jingo de la Rosa and Stephanie Robertson were able to create a home away from home atmosphere. Because the students spent three weeks together, they were able to develop a bond and a sense of community. Their community project for Exodus strengthened their bond by using their artistic skills to serve a common good. The students were free to express themselves, voice their opinions, and speak on social issues and how they could use the arts to improve them within the community.
ArtForce: Visual arts provided its participants with resources and opened doors to endless opportunities within their passion. The students were able to hone into their artistic abilities and put an exhibit together to display their artwork. This act not only acknowledged the students as budding artists, but it gave them the confidence to pursue higher education.

"The biggest highlight would be the program overall. I enjoy sharing the experience with all of my peers and mentors. Our mentors were amazing and very welcoming." ~Visual Arts Participant
During Artforce I discovered that I should exercise my talent and try new things ~Visual Arts Particpant

Written By:
Sandy Rivera
Summer Intern, 2017
Indiana-University Purdue University Indianapolis, Class of 2019
B.S. Education