Program Summary
Clinton Young Elementary hosted a variety
of Arts for Learning environmental programs for
3 grade levels.
3rd grade classes learned about worms and how
they impact the environment with AFL teaching artist,
Bonnie Stahlecker. With one workshop per class,
each student created a book with important facts
about worms and illustrations to go with it.
4th grade classes discovered the benefits of
environmental conservation through engaging and
experiential theater activities. With
Arts for Learning’s Environmental Care and
Preservation program, actor Andrea Lott Haney of
Sapphire Theatre Company, lead the classes in active,
hands-on exploration of plot – main problem and
conflict, setting, and character traits. Students had a
page-to-stage experience as they rehearsed a brief
presentation for an audience.
The 5th grade classes saw a musical performance by musician Bobbie Lancaster with her show “We Are All Connected.” In this performance, Bobbie sings songs about animals and why the environment is important. Students get to participate by offering their ideas on steps they can take to take care of the animals, and humans, around them.
About the School Partner
Clinton Young Elementary is in Perry Township, and has been a school partner with Arts for Learning since 2008. They have hosted a variety of programs by diverse artist groups from performances of Middle Eastern and African music to workshops on hand-made books and poetry. In 2011, teaching artist Jude Odell installed a mural by the main lobby of the school engaging every student in the building during the design process.
The school recently earned an “A” from the Indiana Department of Education and continues to strive for quality.
Arts for Learning is proud to support their efforts in providing the best educational experience to their students.
To view photos on the school's website, click here.
About the Creative Team
Teaching artists: Bonnie Stahlecker, Andrea Lott Haney of Sapphire Theatre Company, and Bobbie Lancaster
What We Learned
Who is responsible for the care and preservation of the environment?
"Each person is responsible"
"We are"
2. What are some things you can do in caring for the environment?
"Do not litter; watch what we throw away (recycle it)"
"Pick up trash; recycle; grow new plants; reduce; reuse; save trees; stop polluting."
"Keep the Earth clean."
"Not litter, recycle, take care of animals"
3. What did you like about the artist program?
"It was different - not a lecture"
"Being the characters; liked teaching kindergarteners; being actors, telling the story, stage setups, movements, doing plays"
"We got to draw our own pictures, we had to follow directions, we got to work in a different room with a different teacher (presenter)"
4. What did you learn from participating in the artist program?
"The importance of recycling"
"Be happy; better to help the Earth; not hurt it; don't just throw stuff on the ground"
"How to make a background."
"How worms live, how big and small they get, what they eat, what their body is like."
Meaningful Student Learning
From 4th grade classroom teacher: “Students were able to discover the benefits of environmental conservation and the parts and pieces of what makes a theatre performance work. (They) were able to kinesthetically learn, interact with one another, and work as a cohesive unit toward a common goal. In addition, the environmental conservation piece will fit nicely later in our science curriculum.”
From 4th grade classroom teacher: “My students enjoyed participating in the program. They were able to expand their learning about recycling and the need for it. This program really helped enhance their fluency skills; reading from a script and performing requires them to focus on their voice, pronunciation, and pace.”
From 3rd grade classroom teacher: “Students learned many facts about worms and how they impact the environment. (Background knowledge given in class prior to art program). They were able to create a book of important facts that was illustrated to go along with the criteria they learned. This (Arts for Learning program) enhanced the importance of teaching important real world applications in Science. Students often don’t get to experience nature in the classroom.”
From 3rd grade classroom teacher: “The program allowed the students to put their focus on another area. With very little time to do anything art related within the regular classroom, this let those students who really excel in art or want to a chance to get their feet wet! It mostly gave them exposure to drawing and depth within drawing.”
Closing Thought
Humans are responsible for the care and preservation of the environment. – 4th grade student
How the Arts Triggered Students’ Commitment to Being Good Stewards of the Environment
Clinton Young Elementary
3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classes
Fall 2014